Reasons to Join

Lincolnshire Chamber Business Watch Scheme is a county-wide initiative in which businesses can join a local business watch group in the South Kesteven area.

Each of our local schemes bring businesses together for the common purpose of reducing retail crime and works with business owners to share real-time information about crimes and disruptive behaviour.

What is the impact of business crime?

• Financial costs to replace assets or stock and to repair damage

• Wasted time dealing with the aftermath of the crime

• Unnecessary stress caused to managers and staff

• Potential rise in insurance premiums

• It can deter customers and/or trade partners

Business Watch operates on a membership basis and each area has its own Business, Pub and Shop Watch group made up from members of the local business community, the local authority and the Police.

Connectivity of a Business Watch is via an App called Zello. This state of the art platform can operate directly from a mobile phone or we can provide radio handsets that link and are monitored by the local CCTV commands. Member meetings support engagement with business members and afford opportunity for best practice and information sharing.

What are the benefits of joining Business Watch?

• Regular updates about crime in your area from the Police so that you can be forewarned about potential crime trends and adjust your security measures if required

• Improved communication and cooperation between all businesses in the area, sharing information regarding suspicious activity and other non-crime matters that could affect members’ businesses

• Partnership working with police and local authorities to target local problems such as anti-social behaviour and criminal damage

Get in touch

The scheme has led to arrests and prosecutions for alcohol related and retail crime and the return of stock.

Staff feel safer knowing there’s a community of other local businesses watching out and listening in to what’s going on in our busy towns.

About Us

Business Watch enquiry

Business Name
Nature of Business
Business Address
Main Contact Name
Contact Number
Email Address
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Thank you for your application

We have received your enquiry and Business Watch Coordinator Lance Morgan will contact you shortly.

If you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01522 523333.

We look forward to working with you and your business in the not so distant future.

Kind Regards,
Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce

Our Patrons