Lincolnshire Care Association

Helping our members ensure there is quality and choice in the provision of care services within our region.

Health Care & Care Services

LinCA is a not-for-profit organisation supporting adult care providers of Domiciliary Care, End of Life Care, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Nursing Homes, Residential Care Homes, and Supported Living

Contact Lincolnshire Care Association

  • 01522 581073

  • 0830 -1630

  • Greetwell Place, 2 Lime Kiln Way, Greetwell Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN2 4US

About Lincolnshire Care Association

LinCA is a not-for-profit organisation supporting adult care providers of Domiciliary Care, End of Life Care, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Nursing Homes, Residential Care Homes, and Supported Living within the independent and voluntary sectors in Lincolnshire. We exist to help our members get their voices heard, both locally and nationally, helping provide better care across Lincolnshire. We play a key role in promoting a positive image of the care sector, ensuring there is quality and choice in the provision of care services within our region.

Our Vision

The demographic and social trends within Lincolnshire, both now and in the future, will influence the nature and demand for appropriate care services. In addition to the ageing population the number of people with physical and mental frailties will increase. The expectations and aspirations of people in need of care are and will continue to be greater than ever before. Our response to the future is to ensure that there is quality and choice in the provision of care services within Lincolnshire. We aim to do this through easily accessible information, advice and support and to encourage care providers to respond to need, through the provision of quality services and to work in partnership with other agencies and organisations.

Our Mission

LinCA aims to support and enable care providers to deliver effective, sustainable services with quality, person-centred outcomes for those who use them, and to respond in a dynamic way to changes in the wider health and care system

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