The Pathway Communication Company Limited

What is stopping your business from being as successful as it should be? It's hard to work out isn't it!

Management Consultants

We help you find and fix the problem, ensuring your business soars! We offer business consultancy, coaching, mentoring and training, all tailored to your issues and your needs. Let's grow your business together!

Contact The Pathway Communication Company Limited

About The Pathway Communication Company Limited

Let’s talk about your business. What’s not going right for you? What needs to change to help your business grow? Maybe… ➡️ … your business growth is stagnant and you are all out of ideas as to how to change it ➡️ … you’ve lost your enthusiasm and passion and want to get it back but you are not sure how? ➡️ … the atmosphere in the office is driving you mad! The sales team and the engineering design team are always at loggerheads – grrrr!! ➡️ … you were thrilled with the new hire but they left within 6 months and you are not sure why ➡️ … your sales team are amazing at looking after your existing customers but tell you they don’t have time to find any new ones. We can help with any of these issues. In fact whatever the 'thing' is that is stopping your business from growing, we can help find it. And then we can help you fix it too.

Our Vision

We help companies remove the barriers to success in their businesses

Our Mission

To be a listening ear and problem solver for business owners and employees through workshops, coaching, mentoring and training

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Our upcoming event

Lincoln Dining Club

Come and join us at our Lincoln Dining Club. This social event is open to all professionals who want...

Jul 31st 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Cognito, 10 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire , LN1 1UF

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