Maggie Murray Therapy Services

Maggie Murray Therapy and Supervision in Lincoln and Online

Health & Wellbeing

Encouraging healthy life experiences with curiosity and compassion. A warm welcome to connect and share a compassionate space together to explore your personal growth, mental health and wellbeing.

Contact Maggie Murray Therapy Services

  • 07940430258

  • Mondays - Fridays appointments available through booking

  • Lincoln Chamber Of Commerce, Commerce House , Carlton Boulevard, Lincoln , Lincolnshire, LN2 4WJ

About Maggie Murray Therapy Services

Encouraging healthy life experiences with curiosity and compassion through therapy and supervision

Our Vision

Working within my private practice to offer support, and a safe space to work on personal and professional development. On a one to one basis in Lincoln and online based in the UK

Our Mission

To advocate everyone's mental health matters and everyone deserves an opportunity to be supported with a compassionate and kindness

Contact us directly

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Our upcoming event

Lincoln Dining Club

Come and join us at our Lincoln Dining Club. This social event is open to all professionals who want...

Jul 31st 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Cognito, 10 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire , LN1 1UF

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