A day in the life of Clint

A day in the life of Clint

Clint is a Customer Resolution Officers and talks about his role and how it’s helped to hugely improve the complaints process at Ongo.

What does your role involve?

I help to manage any complaints that come in and ensure that these issues are resolved quickly. For me, the best thing is working alongside our customers in making improvements to guarantee a certain service is better for the future.

Can you explain the difference that the team has made?

Since our team was first introduced in February 2021, the amount of complaints we have received has fallen to 233 in 2021/22 compared to 337 the previous year. The average amount of days to resolve a Stage 1 complaint has also reduced from 13 to 11. 94% of these complaints have been handled within 10 working days, plus the number of prevented complaints has quadrupled from 84 to 336.

How about the new Housing Ombudsman Complaint Code?

This was first introduced in July 2020, with some further changes from 1 April 2022. It set out the universal definition of a complaint, ensures easy access to and understanding of our complaints procedure and gives clear timeframes for responses.

Plans for the future?

We want our customers to know all about our complaints process, and to be transparent with you. Therefore, we are looking into the possibility of hosting some drop-in sessions to find out more and ask any questions.

Find out more

To read more about Ongo or if you’re interested in getting involved in the consultation, visit their website (www.ongo.co.uk), or get in touch with the team on social media.

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