Andrew & Co Helps Primary Pupils Explore the World of Work

Andrew & Co Helps Primary Pupils Explore the World of Work

Catriona Wheeler, a commercial property expert at Andrew & Co Solicitors, visited children at Ermine Primary Academy recently to speak to them about the legal profession.

The school invited Catriona to share her experiences of working as a solicitor as part of World at Work Week - aimed at raising children’s aspirations and highlighting the career opportunities available to them.

She spoke to three groups – in Years 5 &  6 – about the different jobs within law and routes into the profession and other careers in a solicitors' office.

Catriona told the pupils she knew she wanted to be a lawyer from a very early age.

“When I was ten years old my mother suggested I should become a solicitor as I was very good at arguing,” she explained.

“I read up about it and thought it sounded really interesting. My mother was always worried that if I didn’t enjoy my job it would be her fault, but thankfully I find it very rewarding and have never regretted my decision!”

As well as being a commercial property solicitor Catriona is also an expert in charity law and a Notary Public which is an internationally recognised lawyer who deals with the certification and authentication of documents for use anywhere in the world by attaching his or her signature and seal.

The children asked lots of questions such as, “What skills do you need to be a solicitor?” “What does the job involve on a day-to-day basis?” and “What aspects do you most enjoy?”

Catriona said: “I was really impressed by the students who showed a keen interest and asked lots of intelligent questions.

“I think there were a few lawyers in the making and hopefully I have inspired them to pursue their goals whatever career they decide to go into.”

Rob Barnard from Ermine Primary Academy  said " Our Year 5 & 6 students are enjoy discovering new career opportunities in their local community.  Some of them already know that they wish to join the legal profession.  It was enlightening for them to meet with Catriona Wheeler from Andrew & Co Solicitors as part of our plan to widen the student's horizons before they approach senior school."

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