Significant increase in fly-tipping in Boston borough during pandemic

Significant increase in fly-tipping in Boston borough during pandemic

There’s been a significant increase in the amount of commercial waste being fly-tipped in Boston borough since the start of lockdown.

In March 2019, the council handled 106 incidents of fly-tipping. A year later, this had risen dramatically to 174. It was an even worse picture in April – 94 last year, more than doubled to 193 this year, and in May 177 fly-tips had been reported, compared to a whole-month figure of 74 in 2019.

Boston Borough Council believes that one of the main reasons for the increase is commercial operators avoiding their legal responsibilities to dispose of their waste – which costs them money.

Data shows that 8.5 per cent of fly tipping locally is caused by commercial businesses/tradespeople dumping materials such as old kitchens, bathrooms, building materials and garden waste.

Council officials have visited a number of local businesses and have found that they do not have proper means of disposing their waste.

Christian Allen, Head of Operational Services at the council, said: “We will be taking a zero tolerance approach with those who illegally dump waste because they think they can get away with it. Whether it’s a business or an individual, it is unacceptable behaviour.

“Fly-tipping isn’t the fault of the council. It’s caused by people who know they are in the wrong and make the wrong choices. Fly-tipping is illegal and we will step up our efforts to catch those responsible.

“Although our focus will be on businesses as the worst offenders, we also want to encourage residents to take responsibility for their waste.”

Cllr Yvonne Stevens, portfolio holder for waste services, says: “Fly tipping is an increasing social problem. Commercial fly tipping is becoming not only a social problem but also a huge financial headache for those on whose property the fly tipping ends up. Preventing fly tipping works for the good of the local residents and the community.”

What to do if you are not sure if someone has the correct licences

Call Boston Borough Council on 01205 314200 for advice or visit the Environment Agency’s website here.

What to do if you spot a fly-tipper

Fly-tipping is illegal waste crime. If you see a fly-tipping incident in progress, call 101 immediately.

Do not approach the offenders, but note down how many people are involved, their descriptions and information about any vehicles being used, including the makes, colours, and registration numbers. If it is safe, take photographs.

Farmers can use the NFU’s Rural Crime Reporting Line, in partnership with Crimestoppers, to provide information about fly-tipping by calling 0800 783 0137.

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