Boston Borough Council outlines ambitious work programme with new partnership

Boston Borough Council outlines ambitious work programme with new partnership

Boston Borough Council has outlined its ambitious new plans and areas of focus for the area, aimed at increasing outcomes for residents and businesses across the Borough.

In a report due to be discussed by the Council later this month, councillors are being asked to consider a programme of work both for the newly formed South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP), and for Boston Borough specifically, that centres on economic growth, regeneration, housing and health and wellbeing.

Plans for Boston include delivery of the projects through the Towns Fund programme, working with partners on the expansion of Boston Port, the continued delivery of the Empowering Healthy Communities programme, and the rollout of government’s Green Homes funding.

Residents will also benefit from improvements to the Council’s digital channels, making accessing Council services easier and more efficient, and investment in changing places and public conveniences.

The Partnership-wide plans include developing the case for Devolution for the sub-region, working with Central Government as part of its Levelling Up agenda (which includes funding for education and skills and housing), a co-ordinated approach to the Government’s Environmental Bill, and a focus on health and leisure. Plans also include a joint approach to Internal Drainage Boards.

The report also reaffirms the Partnership’s business case that £42m of savings could be made over the next 10 years if all opportunities to share council services are embraced. The Councils have already realised £4.5m of that saving through a shared Corporate Management Team, which has been in place since the beginning of October.

Councillor Paul Skinner, Leader of Boston Borough Council, said: “Our Partnership with East Lindsey and South Holland provides us with the opportunity to deliver real, transformational change for our patch of the county and undertaking this forward-thinking work programme will be our first step towards doing just that.

“In delivering these priorities, we will be able to build on some of the key commitments made within our corporate strategy and ensure that our borough remains a place where our residents and businesses can thrive.”

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