Process of the Small Business Sustainability Mark

Our Accreditation 

In partnership with the University of Lincoln we have created a robust framework for our accreditation. Nearly every question within our self-assessment links to a government, global regulation or policy, science-based targets, governing bodies such as Acas, and the Small Business Commissioner or academic white papers. 

We have done this to ensure what we are asking is backed up by credible sources. Our framework is available on our website for all users to view to get a better understanding of the basis of our research and allow all users to undertake their own research into sustainable and responsible behaviour.   

 Step 1  

Once you have completed our free self-assessment, you will receive a breakdown of your scores. This will also send your information to the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce.  

We will typically reach out to you within ten working days to follow up with you on the results of the self-assessment; to accredit we will ask to check your self-assessment for accuracy and discuss next steps for accrediting to the Small Business Sustainability Mark.  

Step 2  

You may find you need some support in meeting the threshold for the self-assessment, we are able to give you an in-depth review of your self-assessment and provide recommendations and 1 to 1 support to help you meet the standard required. Once you have implemented the recommendations, you will be invited to take the self-assessment again to become accredited.  We can offer this support at a reduced rate if you are a Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce member.  

If you can accredit straight away, we will still provide you a series of recommendations and suggestions to improve your score. Once you have paid our accreditation fee, we will send you the Small Business Sustainability Mark logo which you can put on your website and promote how you wish, we will then place on the Small Business Sustainable Business directory.  

 12 months later  

You will be invited back to renew your accreditation to the Small Business Sustainability Mark, this will require you to share a small article of the positive initiatives you have done in the past year relating to sustainability, which we will promote on our channels.  The re-accreditation fee will be offered to Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce members at a reduced rate.  

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