Lincolnshire Chamber member named Lloyds Bank New Business of the Year Award 2023 finalist, after seven months in business. 

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What is a Hosted Desktop and why do I need one?

Find out what Hosted Desktops are, why they are beneficial and how they help enable Hybrid and Remote Working.

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Quarterly Economic Survey Q2 shows increase in economic activity for first time since Q1 2020

UK market figures have shown significant improvements, with both sales and orders finally moving into positive territory.

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Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s Annual Delivery Plan is published

Greater Lincolnshire LEP have published their Annual Delivery Plan, outlining priorities, impact and game-changers.

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Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from July 2021

From 1 July 2021, employers will be asked to contribute 10% towards the cost of furloughed employees’ wages.

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