A Christmas Message from Simon Beardsley, Chief Executive

A Christmas Message from Simon Beardsley, Chief Executive

Dear all,

As we approach the end of another year, it is a good time to reflect and say thank you.

It has been another strange, and often difficult, year for businesses across all of Lincolnshire but myself, the Chamber team and the Board of Directors e are immensely proud of the business community and what you have all achieved in such uncertain times, and we of course want to thank everyone for their continued support of the work we do to support you.

Looking back over the past 12 months, we all experienced numerous ups and downs, which were felt by businesses and individuals alike across the county.

The challenges included a lockdown introduced within the first week of 2021 and quickly changing restrictions throughout the year, but there were also good moments such as the great uptake of the Covid-19 vaccinations and a vast number of employees returning to work, which helped the economy restart.

We also saw continued support from national government as well as local authorities, including the introduction of new loans and grants, the extension of the Kickstart Scheme, and other initiatives which contributed to the ongoing recovery of the Lincolnshire economy, but I guess there is a lot to do and a lot more to do to build our economy.

At the Chamber, we were able to reintroduce face-to-face events this year, to take place alongside our virtual networking, workshops, and other events.

We are currently expecting to continue this blended approach well into 2022 – and knowing the change in landscape moving to a digital world has shown profound benefits, virtual events are more than likely part of our diaries for a long time to come!

We supported COP26 through our Climate Change Hub, we raised awareness of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace through our Leadership and Wellbeing Hub and we are introduced a brand new international trade consultancy service designed to guide businesses to explore new markets overseas, and not to mention the campaigning, locally and nationally with our wider Chamber network to get the support needed for businesses throughout the pandemic.

Of course, Lincolnshire businesses have had to navigate the difficulties changes EU Exit brought on, which our International Trade team have been supporting the importers and exporters to navigate these complications.

And these are just a few of the many achievements and activities this year.

Currently, we are in an uncertain situation. The Omicron variant is a cause for concern, and with some restrictions making a comeback, it is unclear what the very end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 may look like.

Looking ahead into the new year, we have to remain positive. We are hoping to see further support for businesses who have been worse affected a return of a life without Covid restrictions, one where we will be able to shake hands and congregate without fear, work in close proximity to one another, and put events in our calendars confident that they will go ahead!

We want to once again encourage business leaders to get in touch with us if they have concerns or  need guidance. We are here to help the Lincolnshire business community, and will continue to support you all – no matter what 2022 brings us!

From the whole Chamber team, I wish you all happy holidays, and hope for a new year full of growth and success.


Simon Beardsley
Chief Executive of Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce

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