Lincolnshire Community Suicide Prevention Innovation Fund

Lincolnshire Community Suicide Prevention Innovation Fund

Shine Lincolnshire are delighted to inform you of a new Community Suicide Prevention Innovation Fund that is available for organisations to bid for.

Suicide prevention is a key public mental health priority in Lincolnshire. An audit has highlighted that males in Lincolnshire are almost five times more likely to end their own life than women.

Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire CCG and the SHINE Network have worked in partnership to set up the Lincolnshire Community Suicide Prevention Innovation Fund Grant Programme that is looking to fund community organisations to work directly with males who are the highest at-risk group for suicides in Lincolnshire.

The document attached provides a brief on the working being undertaken by the SHINE Network.

The grant programme consists of:

– Larger grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 for projects over a 12-month period.

– Small grants up to £5,000 for 12 months activity to fund pilot projects, support smaller groups, and help with capacity building.

To find out more about this grant programme, please join them on Tuesday 12th January at 10am via MS Teams for our engagement event.

To join the event, please click here to join the meeting.


If you are unable to attend the engagement event or would like to have a conversation outside of the meeting please free to contact Shabana Edinboro or Barry Earnshaw using the details below:

Shabana Edinboro
Acting Programme Manager
Lincolnshire County Council
Mobile: 07876 395710

Barry Earnshaw
Development Consultant
SHINE Network
Mob: 07854 526 200

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