Council launches search for a delivery partner for RAF Scampton

Council launches search for a delivery partner for RAF Scampton

West Lindsey District Council is inviting bids from developers and investors to become a delivery partner for RAF Scampton.

The council is looking to procure, pursuant to a competitive dialogue procurement process, a suitably qualified partner organisation to regenerate and redevelop the site currently known as RAF Scampton.

The council formally submitted an expression of interest in acquiring the site, which could contribute significantly to the Levelling Up of economic and social outcomes across West Lindsey, Lincolnshire and beyond.

Should the council be successful in acquiring the site, the successful partner will be required to work with the council and take a lead in managing, master planning and regenerating the site.

Leader of West Lindsey District Council, Councillor Owen Bierley said:

“The Council is currently progressing plans for RAF Scampton. Using our experience of disposals of the past, the process to transition Scampton from RAF use to economic driver for Lincolnshire will be one that is held as an exemplar of best practice in years to come.

“We have officially started our search for a delivery partner through a stage 2 procurement process. It is an exciting time for West Lindsey and I look forward to seeing our plans progress.”

The expression of interest remains subject to a number of conditions. Work continues with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation on behalf of the Ministry of Defence and the council hopes to make a final decision in relation to the acquisition and appointment of partner by the end of the year.

The invitation to bid was published on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 on the Pro Contract website.

The successful delivery partner will need to consider the following regeneration and redevelopment objectives:

  • comprehensive redevelopment based upon a sympathetic master plan to manage and regenerate the entirety of the site
  • a viable and deliverable redevelopment
  • placing community engagement at the heart of the redevelopment plan
  • protecting and enhancing the site’s heritage and historic importance using the past as a blue print for the future
  • maximising economic benefit to West Lindsey, Lincolnshire and the UK
  • understanding the potential for ongoing use of the protected airspace
  • meeting needs of current and future communities
  • securing investment in the site and working with key stakeholders to deliver added value
  • delivering integrated sustainable travel opportunities through, to and from the site
  • contributing positively to the Net Zero Carbon agenda
  • contributing positively to improvements in Biodiversity Net Gain across the site
  • establishing a sustainable commercial structure that provides long-term benefit to West Lindsey and its residents


Submissions need to be in by 8 August 2022.

For more details visit the Pro Contract website.


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