Egyptian-British Chamber of Commerce

Egyptian-British Chamber of Commerce

Minster of Supply and Internal Trade Decree No.217/2017 

Article 1:

All producer and importing company (for locally packaged products), manufactured and packaged and supplied food commodities shall mention the consumer selling price on each package in Arabic and in a clear font that cannot be erased or removed, along with all the other details that were mentioned in the Ministerial Decrees regulating thereof No.107/1994.

Article 2:

It is prohibited for all parties who deal with food commodities trading stipulated in Article 1, to trade, distribution, storage, supply and sale of these goods without having the consumer selling price written on it.

Article 3:

A grace period to be ended on 31/12/2017, shall be granted to all parties dealing with these food commodities in order to dispose any of these products which the consumer price isn’t written on it, provided that the consumer price shall be announced to the citizens during this grace period of time on the facade of their stores and the display areas in a clear and obvious font.

Article 4:

Any violation to the provisions of this Decree shall be punishable by the penalties provided in Article 9 of the Decree No.163/1950. And In all cases, the quantities subject to the violation shall be controlled and confiscated.

Article 5:

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be forcible as of the day following its publication.

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