Protecting, Progressing, Prospering: Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s Economic Plan For Growth

Protecting, Progressing, Prospering: Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s Economic Plan For Growth

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the Greater Lincolnshire LEP has worked alongside over 25 local authority, private sector, third sector, and education organisations to support the economy and business community.

The Greater Lincolnshire Plan for Growth united various medium term commitments from these partnerships to outline strategic objectives that will drive the revival of our economy as we emerge from the pandemic.

The damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt by everyone.

Everyone has a story to tell of a job lost, a loved one departed, a holiday cancelled. From the personal to the global, the impact can be seen everywhere. And while the success of the vaccine roll out and roadmap to normality gets closer, it is important to remember that this economic shock is far from over.

In Greater Lincolnshire, the economic effect has been profound. Almost a third of workers have been put on furlough and claimant rates have nearly doubled. Investment plans have been put on hold. Meanwhile, firms are still facing uncertainty as the transition period with the European Union comes to an end and the exit from the Single Market fundamentally reshapes many of the region’s trading and labour market relations.

Businesses are already adapting to new ways of operating, transitioning to online platforms and investing in digital solutions to keep staff and customers connected. We have experienced several years’ worth of adoption of technology over the past 6 months. This will change our commuting patterns, business behaviour and pose a challenge to our high streets. The business landscape will not return to its previous form.

The LEP has called their strategy Protecting, Progressing, Prospering.

They will protect our businesses and communities. They will do everything in their power to ensure our businesses get the support they need, protecting jobs and livelihoods while the disruption continues.

They will progress with plans for good growth in Greater Lincolnshire, while acknowledging that Covid-19 changes many parameters and requires new approaches.

And though the road is difficult, we will prosper, coming out of this tumultuous period with stronger foundations and better outcomes for residents.

A passive approach will not work. We need to respond quickly and flexibly to the many challenges this period will throw our way. As national policy evolves quickly, we will adapt, leveraging this plan along with the new resources of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to ensure support has maximum local impact.

We must also avoid the temptation to become short-sighted, focusing only on the problems in front of us, and less on our longer-term goals.

Click here to access the full plan in PDF format.

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