Lincolnshire businesses should not rely on AI for HR and employment law advice
Employers in Lincolnshire are being urged to exercise caution when using AI-powered tools for HR advice and employment law ...
Read MoreOngo has welcomed Dawn Hill as their new Head of Landlord Services, to lead on delivering their strategy of ‘being a great landlord’.
Dawn has not previously worked within the housing sector, and has instead come from a background of undertaking various roles operationally, and leading on large transformation projects.
Working at BT for 23 years, her role involved embedding change across operational teams and fulfilling her passion of coaching, developing and leading a successful workforce.
Dawn replaced John Lawrence earlier this year, who retired after nine successful years at Ongo.
As part of her role, Dawn is responsible for Ongo’s Tenancy Services, Lettings, Income and homeless teams, along with supporting the Transformation role within Ongo too.
Her main aims will be to focus on the delivery of a great customer experience, whilst empowering her teams through coaching and progression.
She will focus on the drive around continuous improvements across landlord services which will deliver and transform ways of working, making it easy for customers to do business with Ongo.
When asked about her role, Dawn said: “I was looking for a career change and was attracted to the Corporate Plan that Ongo had set out. The role was focused around transformational change through leadership that made a difference to people’s lives and communities.
“I felt like I wanted to be part of that team, which I am now lucky to say that I am. I’m looking forward to working alongside my colleagues, really understanding the great work they do and listening to their ideas on how we can become an even better Landlord.
“I feel that the work we do significantly impacts people’s lives in a number of different ways, including both colleagues and customers.
“Everyone I have met is passionate in the roles they do at Ongo and love the work they do, and I am proud to be a part of it.”
In just a matter of months, Dawn has been part of implementing a full team restructure with new roles and responsibilities. This has introduced a new triage system to empower staff to make decisions, coaching and training opportunities for teams and focusing much more on having a joint up approach.
Kevin Hornsby, Director of Customer Services at Ongo said: “We are delighted to have Dawn on board and are confident that with her years of experience and leaderships skills, she will be a fantastic addition to our team.
“Over the next few years we’re really going to be focussing on delivering great services for our tenants and keeping Ongo a great place to work. We are grateful to have Dawn with us to help achieve this.”
To find out more about Ongo or their team, follow them on social media or head to their website:
Employers in Lincolnshire are being urged to exercise caution when using AI-powered tools for HR advice and employment law ...
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