Michael Gove MP urges businesses to prepare for customs changes

Michael Gove MP urges businesses to prepare for customs changes

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove MP has written a letter to all businesses moving goods between the United Kingdom and the European Union and between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, urging them to contact their local chamber of commerce for guidance.

The letter sets out how businesses should prepare for the new trading relationship with the EU following the end of the transition period.

The letter ties in with the Government’s recently launched Check, Change, Go campaign and highlights practical steps businesses need to take to prepare for the coming changes, including:

1. Speak to us at the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, we are experienced in International trade and can help guide you

2. Register here for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number, you need this to Import and Export

3. Check the terms of your existing contracts with your customers and suppliers

4. Plan how your business will deal with customs declarations

5. Appoint a customs broker/intermediary to make customs declarations on your behalf

6. Check if customs guarantees and simplified procedures will be helpful for your business and complete the application processes

7. Identify the staff that can be trained on customs and apply for HMRC grant funding

8. Use the guidance available at https://www.gov.uk/transition

A copy of the letter is here.

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