Ongo teams up with S3LF to raise menopause awareness

Ongo teams up with S3LF to raise menopause awareness

Ongo is getting involved in World Menopause Day to raise awareness, share learning and provide support for their colleagues.

Led by the International Menopause Society (IMS), the purpose of the day is to explain more on what it is and support options for improving health and wellbeing.

It takes place on 18 October this year and is about supporting women who are feeling lost and are going through menopause or perimenopause. No two person has the same experience, and being aware and able to recognise symptoms is the first step to managing them.

Throughout the year Ongo host menopause mornings to bring colleagues together who are going through it or would like to understand more and offer support.

As part of their work to improve understanding, they have teamed up with S3Lf, (a personal training, mindset, nutrition and wellbeing service) to offer educational workshops for colleagues preparing for, or navigating perimenopause and menopause.

Jess Neary, Owner of S3LF said: “As a coach, I work with many clients going through different changes in their lives that can impact their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, unlike changes such as buying a house or a career change, going through menopause presents its own unique challenges, almost 50% of the

world’s population will go through.

“Whether perimenopause and menopause feels a while away, you work alongside or live with someone who is experiencing this change, or you are in the midst of this experience yourself, de-stigmatizing what this means for women and their health is something I believe we all should be informed about.

“The sessions will increase awareness as well as provide practical strategies for managing symptoms and promoting well-being during this life transition.

“I’ve really enjoyed visiting Ongo today and having empowering and engaging sessions with their teams.”

Jo-Ann Locking, People and Culture Officer at Ongo said: “We’re very pleased to be working with S3LF to provide these sessions. They’ve gone down great and have been a real success.

“Raising awareness of the menopause is so important, not just for women going through it, but for those preparing for it to happen one day, and for others who support their family, friends and colleagues.”

To find out more about S3LF and the work they do, visit

For more information on Ongo, follow them on social media or head to their website:

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