The Act
Did you know that from October 2024 all employers must prove they are taking reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment, i...
Read MoreMerry Christmas to all our clients, partners, associates, suppliers, and employees.
We are blessed to have wonderful humans in over 50 countries from different faiths, backgrounds, ethnicities working with PAB Languages.
We wish you all a peaceful and magical holiday season. Please share your wishes in your native language with friends, clients, and suppliers.
Albanian: Gëzuar Krishtilindjen
Arabic: عِيد مِيلَاد مَجِيد (ʿīd mīlād majīd), مِيلَاد مَجِيد (mīlād majīd)
Armenian: Շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ (šnorhavor Surb Cnund)
Azerbaijani: Milad Bayramınız Mübarək
Bosnian: Sretan Božić
Bulgarian: Весела Коледа! (Vesela Koleda)
Burmese: Pyaw Shwin Phwal Christmas Phyit Par Say
Chinese (Mandarin): 聖誕快樂, 圣诞快乐 (Shèngdàn kuàilè), 聖誕節快樂, 圣诞节快乐 (Shèngdànjié kuàilè)
Croatian: Sretan Božić
Czech: Veselé Vánoce
Danish: Glædelig jul
Dutch- Prettig Kerstfeest
English: Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas
Estonian: Häid jõule
Finnish- Hyvää joulua
French – Joyeux Noël!
Georgian: შობას გილოცავთ (šobas gilocavt)
German- Frohe Weihnachten
Greek- Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
Hebrew: חג מולד שמח (khag molad sameakh)
Hungarian: Boldog Karácsonyt
Indonesian: Selamat hari Natal
Irish: Nollaig Shona
Italian- Buon Natale
Japanese: メリークリスマス (Meri Kurisumasu)
Korean: 즐거운 성탄절 보내세요
(메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu)) – this phrase is more common in Korea
Latvian- Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus!
Lithuanian- Linksmų Kalėdų!
Macedonian: Среќен Божиќ (Sreḱen Božiḱ)
Malay: Selamat Hari Natal
Maltese: il-Milied it-Tajjeb
Mongolian: Зул сарын мэнд хүргэе! (Zul saryn mend hürgeje)
Norwegian: God jul
Polish: Wesołych Świąt, Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
Portuguese – Feliz Natal
Romanian, Moldavian – Sărbători Fericite!
Russian: с Рождеством (s Roždestvóm), с Рождеством Христовым (s Roždestvóm Xristóvym), Весёлого Рождестваа (Vesjólovo Roždestvá), Счастливого Рождества (Sčastlívovo Roždestvá)
Serbian: Срећан Божић (Srećan Božić), Христос се роди (Hristos se rodi), Ваистину се роди (Vaistinu se rodi) (reply to “Hristos se rodi”)
Slovak: Veselé Vianoce
Slovene: Vesel božič
Spanish – Feliz Navidad
Swahili: Heri ya Krismasi, Krismasi njema
Swedish – God Jul
Tagalog: Maligayang Pasko
Tamil: கிறிஸ்துமஸ் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள் (kiṟistumas nalvāḻttukkaḷ)
Telugu: మెర్రీ క్రిస్మస్ (merrī krismas)
Thai: สุขสันต์วันคริสต์มาส (sùk-sǎn wan krís-mâas)
Turkish: Mutlu Noeller
Urdu: کرسمس مبارک (krismas mubārak), میری کرسمس (merī krismas)
Uzbek: Rojdestvo muborak OR Rojdestvo muborak bo’lsin
Vietnamese: Chúc mừng Giáng sinh
Welsh- Nadolig Llawen
PAB Languages Centre Ltd team
Did you know that from October 2024 all employers must prove they are taking reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment, i...
Read More53 new places across England announced to tackle inequalities in activity levels Boston and East Lindsey set to benefit Each ...
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