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Read MoreWe are all delighted that you are able to step up preparations for a return of staff, visitors and customers.
As you get closer to restarting, Counter Terrorism Policing ask you to please remember all the good work we have done together over recent years to help protect crowded places from terrorism. The UK National Threat Level remains at SUBSTANTIAL, meaning an attack is likely.
We feel confident that terrorist activity in the UK will return to previous norms after restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are eased.
So when you are making plans for the reopening of your business, we ask that you think about security and build a security review into your ‘to do’ list.
Our 60-second check provides an easy guide to the things that you can think about now as you get ready to return to normal – or ‘the new normal’ as it will undoubtedly be for all of us.
Making arrangements for social distancing and extra hygiene precautions are going to be foremost in your mind, but don’t forget there are always those who look to exploit situations when your attention may be elsewhere. Good counter terrorism measures also have benefits in deterring crime.
Here’s what you should consider to help keep everyone safe and secure once you are back together with your colleagues:
– Is it clear who is appointed to make security decisions on the ‘shop floor’ and do they know what they should do in an emergency? Do your other staff know who that person is?
– How do you enter and exit your premises? Do you need to limit this to staff and, if so, is the route clear and secure? Are there any other doors or windows that may need checking?
– In the event of a terrorist attack, if it was not safe to evacuate and RUN, how would you lock down and secure your premises quickly to protect staff and customers? Where would you HIDE? How would you communicate with others and TELL the emergency services what was happening?
– Have you checked that any security equipment at your premises, such as CCTV, is in working order?
– Have you reminded your staff to display their company ID at all times and to review any company-specific security policies you have?
-Having done the basics, you can find more detailed, sector-specific advice in NaCTSO’s Crowded Places Guidance.
Our colleagues from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) have provided more detailed guidance for businesses preparing to return.
They reiterate that whilst the risk to health from COVID-19 is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, the threat of terrorism and other security threats nonetheless remains substantial.
Their guidance points out that it is essential that businesses and other organisations remain cognisant of these threats as they look to adjust their operations, ensuring that security measures are proactively adapted to support and complement other changes.
Summary of guidance provided by the CPNI
If you have a security department or manager, they should be consulted to help ensure good security is maintained as far as possible and that there are no unintended security consequences as a result of changes. This should be achieved by conducting a security risk assessment. For further information see the Centre for Protection National Infrastructure and National Counter Terrorism Security Office for specific security advice related to COVID-19
We recommend downloading the UK Protect Bulletin – Security advice as lockdown is eased leaflet which contains helpful security guidance as the different Crowded Place and Business sectors start to come out of lockdown.
This bulletin contains links to both the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and the Centre for the Protection of the National Infrastructure (CPNI) websites which contain more specific guidance which you can utilise and adapt for your business as the lockdown is eased.
Click here to download the leaflet.
53 new places across England announced to tackle inequalities in activity levels Boston and East Lindsey set to benefit Each ...
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